It is known that the dietary pattern and macronutrients profile may influence the expression and secretion of inflammatory\nbiomarkers, and the low-grade inflammation is associated with the manifestation of noncommunicable chronic diseases.\nTherefore, this review aimed to present and discuss the role of dietary patterns and macronutrients on the variation of inflammatory\nmarkers related to NCD risk. Scientific evidences within the last five years based on clinical trials, case-controls,\ncohorts, and cross-sectional studies indicate that normocaloric, carbohydrate-moderated, low-glycemic index, proteinmoderated,\nmonounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid-rich, omega-3, and low-saturated fat diets display positive effects\non the inflammatory state, both in healthy individuals and in those with cardiovascular risk, although the second group seems\nto benefit more from changes in the dietary profile.